18 de octubre de 2024


Lectura mínima de 7

Which one do you like best?

Those theories maybe wrong. The problem with humans is that they have a tendency to over exam, overanalyze and complicate matters, often overlooking the simplicity before us.  analyze and even give things they really think they know, but have no understanding, categorizing, listing and managing with large hard to understand names, when what they cannot see what is simply right in front of them. The issue lies in humanity’s inclination to excessively scrutinize, dissect, and convolute issues, frequently missing the inherent simplicity. They have a tendency to assume knowledge and understanding, to classify and manage with complex terminology, all the while failing to recognize the straightforward truths that lie plainly in view. So, I am going to tell you a story, it is an allegory of life on this planet or any planet. Humans have an Earth centric view they must learn to let go of. They have to understand how the microcosmos world works to understand how the cosmic universe beyond their sight and comprehension can be understood.

              Imagen a desert, empty of life for thousands of miles and far beyond the existence of any plausible life. But one day, for some unknown reason, there emerges, spawns, and blossoms an oasis. Over the ages, and millions of sun sets, this oasis spawn’s life that begins to comprehend and reason its own mortality, that they exist in a complex, yet almost implausible world. They begin to adapt quite well to that oasis. The oasis has other life, but not nearly as aware of their existence as their life, and slowly and maturely becoming that dominant life in that oasis. This life begins to conceptualize things around the oasis, organize, categories, list, maintain, formulate, invent, dissect, and control the oasis to suite them. They begin to think, and wanting to rationalize, they begin to wonder what is beyond their oasis, is there more to the oasis, and if so what. So, they begin to invent and want to rationalize their ideas and emotions into a reality to suit their wants and needs. They create deities to explain away myths, legends, superstitions, and the things they cannot comprehend and understand in the world of their oasis. Because this life begins to comprehend the needs of others and the needs of themselves, some begin to use the beliefs of the week minded, they teach and force others in the oasis, that they are the most important, that their oasis is the center of all creation, and there can be no other oasis like theirs. They are made just for that oasis, they are made in the image of that oasis.

Eventually they begin to war over their different beliefs over their want and needs and begin to compile them to be gods and say to others with in that oasis, that life cannot be any more than what their gods tell them, there is no way for them to live beyond the oasis, it is dry and dead, desolate and uninhabitable, there is no way to live beyond their oasis. They compartmentalize their gods into one god, organize a life according to this one god. The oasis is the only oasis in the known desert. Their existence passes, the sun travels, the oasis lives on, life and death emerge and descend beyond their scope of moments.

Eventually there begins with some rationalizing and questioning who they are, what there is and is there more beyond the vast desert and their oasis. So, others listen and agree there must be more, they invent ways to travel beyond the oasis, first a little then more and more. Do they move beyond their oasis, is there life beyond what they know and see. What they do not comprehend and deny, is that their oasis is centered thousands of miles from other oases. Those oases comprehend their existence and would like to invite them to the rest of the desert they live. The problem is that that little oasis, in the middle of a desert, does not want to let go of their past, they do not want to let go of their belief system, they do not want to let go of thinking they are more important than any other living creature in that known desert.

So how could the intelligent lives beyond their reach ever want to meet them, when those in the oasis would murder, war, cheat, con and twist their existence so they can stay the way they have intended and decided that their oasis would be the only oasis in the world. Life beyond them, would never get closer, for fear of how and why they would twist those who live in the oasis. Slowly those beyond would try and influence those in the oasis, helping them, teaching them and implanting the truth of the entire world they live on. So those who would receive the wonders of the universe would begin to invent better way to see beyond the desert, invent ways to reach those that could exist beyond their visual reach and understanding. But until the majority and those in control of the oasis, loosen their grip and allow the oasis to be truly free to see and think and be, then they will be able to be part of the other oasis in the entire desert.

See it is not one oasis that lives, it multiple oasis that make up the world they live in and then beyond that there are more oasis, living, working, and prospering in the entirety of the vast desert universe. One oasis may seem to look a bit different but underneath the vail of the leafy canopy the world is no different than any other oasis. Trees may have furry coating in the north while trees in the south have brighter, larger green leaves, the floor is still the same, it is still the floor of the world they live on.

We see our solar system and it looks just like other solar systems, there is life in some parts and no life in others. Our planet is just an oasis inside a desert and beyond our desert there must be life, for one oasis thrives there is to be other oasis’s that thrive. Perhaps our desert universe is one desert universe amongst many desert universes. We shouldn’t over think and over analyze with in what is in front of our eyes, it may be just as simple as seeing itself.


Those theories might be flawed. Humans have a tendency to overanalyze and complicate matters, often overlooking the simplicity before us. Let me share an allegory of life on this planet that illustrates this point.

In a vast desert lies an oasis, isolated and thriving. The life within this oasis, aware of its mortality, begins to adapt and dominate. As this life form organizes and controls its surroundings, ideas of beliefs emerge. Initially, there’s a pantheon—deities of gods and goddesses attributed to every aspect of their existence, from the life-giving water to the sun that crosses their small patch of sky, to the moon that lights the night sky.

But over time, a transformation occurs. Conflicts and contradictions among the myriad deities lead to a consolidation of belief: the multitude must stem from a singular source. The concept of one all-encompassing deity takes root, simplifying their faith but also constraining their worldview. This deity, unseen but deeply felt, becomes the center of their existence, dictating their fate and guiding their every action.

A flicker of realization begins to dawn on some within the oasis. The rigid adherence to this monotheistic belief might be a shackle, limiting their potential and stifling the growth that comes from questioning and exploration. Yet, this enlightenment is quickly smothered by those who cling to the old ways, fearing the chaos that might ensue from such radical questioning.

This deity of theirs, initially a figure of empowerment, slowly morphs into an abstract concept—time itself. Phrases like “Time will tell” and “Time heals all wounds” permeate their language, embedding the deity even deeper into the fabric of their daily lives, unaware that what they now worship is not the personal, intimate god of their ancestors but the impersonal, relentless march of time.

Yet, beyond their oasis lie others, each with its own journey from the many to the one, and some even beyond that, to a place where deities no longer dictate the terms of existence. These enlightened oases watch, waiting for the day the shackled oasis breaks free from its self-imposed chains. They understand that true progress, connection, and enlightenment can only occur when the oasis sheds its singular belief in a deity that has, over time, become a symbol of stagnation rather than salvation. The inhabitants of the original oasis stand at a crossroads. To join the enlightened oases and explore the vast cosmic desert that surrounds them, they must transcend the deity of time, embracing a universe where their destiny is not preordained by divine will but crafted by their own hands, driven by curiosity, free will, and a relentless desire to discover what lies beyond the familiar sands of their home.

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